Top 20computer languages

computer languages

Once upon a time, the world of computer programming was a mysterious and exclusive place. Only a select handful of people were considered computer programmers with cutting-edge coding skills. Today, many IT jobs require a solid grasp of the top programming languages, and yes, we mean more than one.

If your plans to advance your career or change careers completely require you to master a programming language, you might wonder which one to learn. After all, it will take time and money to learn the language, so you want to make the right choice.

When making your decision, you should bear several considerations in mind, like the difficulty level you’re willing to tackle, the programming language knowledge you already possess that meshes with your existing coding skills, or your reasons for learning a top programming language.

Whether you want to develop a mobile application, get certification for programming knowledge, or learn new skills, you need to learn the right programming language. Below you’ll learn about the best programming languages in demand among employers in 2024. You’ll be briefed about the details of each language, its complexity, and how it is used.

What Are the Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2024?

What coding and programming language should i learn? JavaScript and Python, two of the most popular languages in the startup industry, are in high demand. Most startups use Python-based backend frameworks such as Django (Python), Flask (Python), and NodeJS (JavaScript). These languages are also considered to be the best programming languages to learn for beginners.

Below is a list of the most popular and best programming languages that will be in demand in 2024.

1. Javascript
2. Python
3. Go
4. Java
5. Kotlin
6. PHP
7. C#
8. Swift
9. R
10. Ruby
11. C and C++
12. Matlab
13. TypeScript
14. Scala
15. SQL
16. HTML
17. CSS
18. NoSQL
19. Rust
20. Perl

1. Javascript

JavaScript is a high-level programming language that is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web. It is used as a client-side programming language by 97.8 percent of all websites. JavaScript was originally used only to develop web browsers, but they are now used for server-side website deployments and non-web browser applications as well.

JavaScript was created in 1995 and was initially known as Live Script. However, Java was a very popular language at that time, so it was advertised as a “younger brother” of Java. As it evolved over time, JavaScript became a fully independent language. Nowadays, JavaScript is often confused with Java, and although there are some similarities between them, the two languages are distinct.

Also Read: Top 10 Reasons to Learn JavaScript


is the most popular programming language in the world and is in high demand among various organizations. The average Java developer earns around $112,152 each year.

Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Skills Needed: HTML and CSS to define the content and layout of web pages
Platform: Cross-platform (desktop, mobile, web)
Popularity Among Programmers: The most popular programming language in the world
  • Easy to learn and implement
  • Used everywhere on the web
  • Can run immediately within the client-side browser
  • Reduces the demand on the website server
Downsides: Can sometimes be interpreted differently by different browsers which makes it difficult to write cross-browser code.
Degree of Use: Widely used; highly applicable
Annual Salary Projection: $112,152

. Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages today and is easy for beginners to learn because of its readability. It is a free, open-source programming language with extensive support modules and community development, easy integration with web services, user-friendly data structures, and GUI-based desktop applications. It is a popular programming language for machine learning and deep learning applications.

Python is used to develop 2D imaging and 3D animation packages like Blender, Inkscape, and Autodesk. It has also been used to create popular video games, including Civilization IV, Vegas Trike, and Toontown. Python is used for scientific and computational applications like FreeCAD and Abacus and by popular websites like YouTube, Quora, Pinterest, and Instagram. Python developers earn average annual salaries of about $109,092.

Level: Beginner – Python enables a beginner to become productive quickly
Skills Needed: Problem-solving, abstract thinking
Platform: Web, Desktop
Popularity Among Programmers: Becoming continuously more popular
  • Flexible
  • Naturally/Intuitively readable
  • Highly regarded official tutorials and documentation
  • Scripted as opposed to compiled
Downsides: Doesn’t start with programming basics (known to abstract too many important basic concepts)
Popularity: Becoming continuously more popular both in technical education and business uses
Degree of Use: Coding skills widely used; popular in both technical education and business use
Annual Salary Projection: $109,092


3. Go

Go was developed by Google in 2007 for APIs and web applications. Go has recently become one of the fastest-growing programming languages due to its simplicity, as well as its ability to handle multicore and networked systems and massive codebases.

Go, also known as Golang, was created to meet the needs of programmers working on large projects. It has gained popularity among many large IT companies thanks to its simple and modern structure and syntax familiarity. Companies using Go as their programming language include Google, Uber, Twitch, Dropbox, among many others. Go is also gaining in popularity among data scientists because of its agility and performance.

Go developers can earn an average annual salary of $141,654, and hitting up to $261,000.

Level: Beginner to intermediate
Skills Needed: Easy to learn if you already know at least one other programming language; otherwise, you just need patience and a willingness to learn.
Platform: Cross-platform, mainly desktop
Popularity Among Programmers: Not as popular as Java or Python, but it has been increasing in popularity
  • Widely considered a “minimalist” language
  • Easy to learn
  • Transparent code
  • Compatible
  • Fast
Downsides: No generics (which means you may end up writing more code than you would in other languages); very little library support; Go developer community is not very robust or supportive
Degree of Use: Widely used, particular for Google applications (created at Google)
Annual Salary Projection: $141,654

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